BKIK-iLex Invitation: Don't just innovate, sell too! - on 23 April 2024 in Budapest, Hungary
Joint matchmaking event entitled "BKIK-iLex Invitation: Don't just innovate, sell too!" of BKIK's Economic Services Department - BKIK's Innovation and R&D College and iLex Innovation Marketplace for the entire Chamber circle was held on 23 April 2024 at Budapest at Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Budapest. Our cluster, Archenerg was also invited to the round table discussion. Hence, we could share the experiences of our running projects ICBuild and Greenerg-pro with the help of our SMEs taking part in the SME missions and being served by the mentoring services of the projects and our Cluster itself. The event provided a good opportunity not for just sharing knowledge but also for national networking.
~ 12.45 - 13.00 ~ Registration
~ 13:00 - 13.10 ~ Opening - what is it like to enter the market today as a new service provider? dr József Sztranyák, president of BKIK GSZT, vice-president of BKIK Innovation and R&D College, South American advisor
~ 13.10- 13.20 ~ Which is more expensive: innovating or selling the completed innovation on the market? Innovative matchmaking, dr. Marianna Ritter, president of iLex Innovation Market, president of BKIK Innovation and R&D College
~ 1:20 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ~ The members of the Innovation Market and the volunteer member of the BKIK, Szeged innovator service providers will present themselves:
Zsolt Brillmann - PharmaPont,
Anikó Durszt - Terra - Tender
András Gonda - ArchEnerg represented by cluster members: Agnes Vari, Ambisza and Attila Nemeth, Pixel Dekor
Anikó Kaszás - SolvElectric Technologies
Balázs Ószi - Prospero Food
Attila Veres - Prevention Center
Mária Ződi-Sipos - CreatIT
- 15.00 - 16.00 ~ Presentation of the managers of the invited and guest companies present
Moderator: Viktória Grim, partner director of iLex Innovation Market, vice president of BKIK Innovation and R&D College