Ewa Domke
tender expertCompetence: international public procurement, tender watching and writing
She is the Deputy Director for International Cooperation and Project Administration at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Internationalisation Manager at Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster, MSc. in Foreign Trade at the University of Gdańsk, Poland, completed post-graduate studies in International Economic Relations at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Since 2009 working as project manager, mainly in R&D&I projects funded by European and national (Polish) agencies. Fluent in English and German, communicative level of French

Filip Kranjac
IPR expertCompetence: international intellectual property rights
He has completed studies in law at the University of Belgrade. He has experience as a lawyer in several law firms and he has attended Belgrade International Model of United Nations. His experience focuses on preparing legal documents for the banking sector, including shares, receivables, assets and accounts pledge agreements, and legal assistance in drafting legal documents ranging from SPAs and security documents to NDAs and satisfaction letters, conducting legal research in various practice areas including healthcare, mining, taxes, real-estate, banking, electronic trade, competition, intellectual property, etc. He was awarded the best academic paper by the Faculty of Law of the University of Saint Petersburg for research activities on legal problems of cryptocurrency inheritance.

Patricia Merei
R&D expertCompetence: in EC proposal and project management, feasibility study, business planning
After completing National School of Public Administration and College of Finance in Budapest, Hungary she obtained her master degree in economics from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration and got Knowledge Transfer and Innovations Management Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration from Coventry University, UK. She is specialised in European proposal preparation, project implementation, project finance and audits and provider of training courses on EU Project Writing, EU Project Reporting and EU Project Finance. In the last 20 years she has been involved in a great number of European & national funded projects (FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, HE, ALTENER, LIFE, PHARE, AAL, INTERREG and structural funded and national projects) including tasks such as: preparing application for proposals, project management coordination and controlling, financial statements, preparation of reports. She is also experienced in national and international technology transfer and business incubation services and trainings. She has long managerial skills as she have been directly supervising staff of 15 and indirectly leading staff of 45+ as CFO and International Project Management Department at MFKK Kft. Earlier she worked as project manager at Innostart National Business and Innovation Centre and Coventry University Enterprises Limited in the UK.