Organisational structure
We have designed a consortium to achieve the objectives of GREENERG-PRO with the best effectiveness, and also with the view to create closer cooperation between partner clusters, COSMENERG-4i and the extended network.
Archenerg Cluster will be the coordinator of GREENERG-PRO. Archenerg Cluster is a gold labelled cluster headquartered in Szeged (Hungary) with a strong record in coordinating and managing EU projects successfully. Archenerg Cluster has highly qualified and specialized staff that will deal with the technical and financial management of GREENERG-PRO. Archenerg Cluster has coordinated several COSME-funded projects, including Cluster Excellence Programme and Clusters Go International (Strand 2) and is member of one European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Excellence (ESCP-4X), namely, Smartenergy, and also of one European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCP-S3), namely Cybersecure Light. Archenerg is a founding member of COSMENERG-4i, the biggest EU Strategic Cluster Partnership in the field of renewable energy and environmental technologies originating in Central and Eastern Europe.
We will achieve the best effectiveness in GREENERG-PRO through a perfect decision-making process that includes Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings, internal communication procedures, and an already established labour division among partner clusters. We have already developed joint procedures and internal workflows and we use jointly common internet-based platforms for knowledge sharing and dissemination and business matchmaking.
Each partner cluster will participate in the PSC meetings with 2 people. The PSC will be responsible for the decision-making process and the internal communication between the partner clusters. The PSC will also be responsible for monitoring and keeping track of the progress of GREENERG-PRO against the workplan and to take corrective actions when necessary. The project coordinator will lead the PSC meetings and will ensure the proper coordination of GREENERG-PRO and the financial management together with the dedicated staff at the financial department at Archenerg Cluster. We provide further information on this in WP5.
Profile of partner clusters teaming up for the project

SOLARTECH DÉLALFÖLDI FEJLESZTŐ ÉS TERMELŐ NONPROFIT KFTArchEnerg was established in 2007 with the aim of creating an economic and social model based on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency that moves green economy enterprises and society towards a more sustainable future. ArchEnerg International Renewable Energy and Building Trade Cluster won the certificate of „Accredited Innovation Cluster” all times.
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INSTYTUT MASZYN PRZEPLYWOWYCH IM ROBERTA SZEWALSKIEGO POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK – IMP PANThe Institute has been founded in 1956 (with its first organisational structures in 1953). It was destined to conduct fundamental research in the area of principles of operation, design, construction and developemnt of machinery for energy conversion in flows. Presently, the investigations are being carried out in the following fields: fluid mechanics, multiphase flows, thermodynamics and heat transfer, plasma physics, laser technique, machine mechanics, tribology and diagnostics of power sector machinery.
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KLASTER ZA EKOLOSKU ENERGIJU I EKOLOSKU KULTURU ECOPANONIJA NOVI SADOur mission is to help our members continue to: upgrade their technological, financial, commercial and other knowledge, familiarize with successful local and foreign business experiences, apply environmental standards and regulations in their business practice, raise the level of competitiveness of their products /services and business efficiency, effectively promote and successfully place their products and services, develop business capacities and provide sustainability for their business.
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Our project proposal ‘GREENERG-PRO - Boosting untapped green business development in public procurement in the Middle East and Asia’ addresses fully the challenge of the call COS-PPOU-2020- 2-03 ‘Supporting European SMEs to participate in public procurement outside the EU’. We have planned a set of integrated actions and activities ensuring the sustainability of the results after the lifespan of the project. Partner clusters will implement activities to improve their members (SMEs) access to public procurement opportunities in Israel, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Singapore. We have also planned activities to enhance partner clusters’ capacities to provide better and more targeted support to members preparing them to become aware and understand and build knowledge on public procurement opportunities and frameworks in the target markets.