The President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, spoke at the First Forum of Sustainable Investment in the Western Balkan
The President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, spoke at the First Forum of Sustainable Investment in the Western Balkans, which is being held at the National Bank of Serbia.
On that occasion, Mirović announced that the Development Fund of Vojvodina is the only national organization in the process of accreditation by the International Green Climate Fund with headquarters in the Southern Southern National Community - a climate change organization based on the climate change system.
"The Green Climate Fund has money that it wants to use globally for sustainable development and green energy. That's why it's important news that the AP Vojvodina managed to place an organization from Serbia in the phase of access to these funds", announced Mirović and added that this will enable the competition for grants of 25 institutes.
Mirović announced that today's forum is a continuation of a series of related initiatives that, following European regulatory and economic trends, have been supported by the Provincial Government in recent years.
"In addition to the State Development Fund of Vojvodina to start the accreditation process with the Green Climate Fund, support for the establishment of the 'Green Navigator Sector of the Western Balkans'" is also significant, as a regional platform for the sustainability of the private world, as a regional platform for the sustainability of the private world. a reliable partner in this area, because Vojvodina has put the company in its place.