Israel hits 51% renewable production for first time


The Israeli government said that earlier this month, for several minutes, renewable energy accounted for most of the nation’s energy production. In particular, solar covered 45% of total generation.

For the first time in history, most electricity in Israel was produced from renewable sources, the country’s Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure said in a LinkedIn post. It happened on March 12, 2024, with renewable energy accounting for 51% of total production.

According to data from the Israel Independent System Operator (Noga), renewable production stood at 3,997.97 MW, out of a total of 7,821.25 MW. PV generation accounted for 3,546.79 MW of that, or about 45% of total output.


PV-thermal (PVT) also produced 263.43 MW, or 4%, while wind generated 172.66 MW, or 2% of total production. Natural gas accounted for 3,005.48 MW, or 38%, and coal accounted for 799.44 MW, or about 10%.

“Our employees are continuing to work for the development and embedment of renewable energy in the Israeli energy market,” the ministry said. “We are sure that this record is only one of many records we will break in the coming future.”

According to data from Israel’s Electricity Authority, by the end of 2023 the nation had installed 5,903 MW of renewable energy capacity, up from 4,795 MW at the end of the preceding year.

Renewable energy covered 12.5% of Israel’s electricity demand last year, up from 10.1% in 2022.