Launched two surveys in GREENERG-PRO project
Following the kick-off meeting we launched two surveys. The first one was to detect the type of services that other stakeholders and organisations are carrying out in the field of public procurement in third countries. The second one was to detect the needs of partner clusters´ members (SMEs) in the field of public procurement in third countries. The two draft surveys were translated into local languages (Hungarian, Polish, Serbian). The surveys were launched in two weeks.
The surveys have detected the type and level of services that other stakeholders provide, and this helps partner clusters to fine tune the scope of the services of the joint department that will continue when the project finishes. The conclusions of the 7 surveys will be discussed in the training session in Budapest. The conclusions of the trainings will be used to organise the training activities (train the trainers approach) at cluster level for partner clusters´ SMEs and other future activities (trade missions, functionalities of the platform/ internet-based tools). Based on the conclusions, we will also brainstorm on the new joint service that we intend to create and the added value that the pilot department will create through the technical support and assistance.